Poor baby. These are very belated birthday wishes as his birthday was this past Monday. I was home from work that day and made sure to give him lots of playtime and attention. His present was a trip to a new dog park. He behaved remarkably well, and we were glad to see him interacting quite happily with the 4 or 5 German Shepherds at the park. As usual, Finn tried to join the smaller dogs' wrestling matches and was promptly told off by a Chihuahua mix. He spent the rest of the time stealing the ball from an adorable Beagle named Dexter who took Finn's thieving ways in stride.
And today marks Finn's last day as the baby of the family! Today after work we are hopping on the ferry and bringing Darla home. It is going to be quite an adventure having 3 dogs, especially with a puppy, a rambunctious adult and a senior. Andrew's brother is adopting one of Darla's sisters so we'll actually get to watch 2 pups from the same litter grow up together-ish. We've all got a lot of work ahead of us but we're all very excited :)